New Moon Dates 2015 New Moon dates 2015: Please note that all new moon dates and times are UTC: January New Moon Jan 20, 2015 … May 7, 2015/ Moon, Spellwork/
Poppets Poppets are small handmade (usually) figurines that can be used as a talisman or in spellwork. Poppets in the popular … May 7, 2015/ Poppets, Spellwork/
Candle Colors Candles are an integral part of any witch’s life and their colors have many meanings that are important to understand … May 5, 2015/ Candles, Spellwork/
Magickal Numbers Numbers can be used in ritual and magickal workings. Odd numbers are related to the Goddess, women, and receptive energy. … May 5, 2015/ Magickal Numbers, Rituals, Spellwork/
The Moon The moon plays a very important in the practices of any Wiccan or witch. In our everday world the moon … May 5, 2015/ Gods & Goddesses, Moon, Spellwork/