The Sabbats: Mabon Mabon, the autumn equinox, is the second Wiccan harvest festival and occurs at or around September 21st. It is associated … May 4, 2015/ Sabbats/
The Sabbats: Lammas Lammas occurs on August 2nd and is the first of three Wiccan harvest celebrations. It represents the beginning of the … May 4, 2015/ Sabbats/
The Sabbats: Litha Litha or the summer solstice occurs around June 22nd and is the longest day of the year. Litha represents the … May 4, 2015/ Sabbats/
The Sabbats: Beltane Beltane or May Day occurs on May 1st, falling opposite Samhain in the wheel of the year. Beltane marks the … May 4, 2015/ Sabbats/
The Sabbats: Ostara Ostara – the spring or vernal equinox occurs in mid-march (usually between March 20 – 22nd) when the night and … May 4, 2015/ Sabbats/