Although compared to the Sabbats the Esbats are considered “minor” they are in fact very important to the craft and nearly all witches celebrate them. Esbats are traditionally a celebration of the full moon. Each full moon Esbat centres around formal circle casting and the charge of the Goddess is recited. The charge of the God is omitted, not as a slight, but simply that the moon is ruled by the Goddess.
Please note that there are thirteen full moons in the year. Although there is a full moon each month sometime during the year there will be a thirteenth, in other words one month will have two full moons. Which month this is will vary depending on the year.
- January: The Wolf Moon
- February: The Chaste Moon
- March: The Seed Moon
- April: The Hare Moon
- May: The Dyad Moon
- June: The Honey Moon
- July: The Wort Moon
- August: The Barley Moon
- September: The Harvest Moon
- October: The Blood Moon
- November: The Snow Moon
- December: The Oak Moon