Wand Consecration Ritual

There are quite a few different consecration rituals but this is the one that we usually recommend. There is no one right way, nor is there a wrong way, so feel free to adapt the ritual if you wish.

You will need a white candle for the consecration flame, water, pentacle and incense. To consecrate the tool, the elementals may be used.

  • Cast your circle.
  • Pick up the wand, saying: “I have chosen this wand to assist me in my work.”
  • Visualize the wand being cleared of any negativity.
  • Continue till the wand feels clear to you.
  • Now visualize positive energy flowing from you, down you arm and into the wand.
  • Visualize a strong white light flowing through your body to the tool. Feel it absorb the positive energies.
  • Point the wand towards the North, saying: “May the powers of the Earth cleanse and fill the wand I have chosen.”Touch it to the pentacle, saying: ” In the names of the Goddess and God (use any names you wish), I bless and make sacred this wand, tool of my craft. I charge this wand by the element of Earth.”
  • Point the wand to the East, saying: “May the powers of the Air cleanse and fill the wand I have chosen.” Pass the wand through the smoke of the incense, saying: “In the names of the Goddess and God (use any names you wish), I bless and make sacred this wand, tool of my craft. I charge this wand by the element Air.”
  • Point the wand to the South, saying: “May the powers of Fire cleanse and fill the wand I have chosen.” Pass the wand quickly (the besom itself is obviously flammable) over the candle flame saying: “In the names of the Goddess and God (using any names you wish), I bless and make sacred this wand, tool of my craft. I charge this wand by the element Fire.”
  • Point the wand to the West, saying: “May the powers of water cleanse and fill the wand I have chosen.” Sprinkle the wand with a few drops of water, saying: “In the names of the Goddess and God (using any names), I bless and make sacred this wand, tool of my craft. I charge this wand by the element Water.”
  • Then say: “This tool is now ready, being consecrated and charged to assist me in my work. So mote it be.”
  • Perform other workings if you wish, then close the circle

Your wand has now been successfully consecrated and is ready to be put to work.

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