Releasing The Quarters

Having released the deities it is time to release the quarters. Start at the east with your wand and point its tip due east up into the air and say:

O swirling breezes, winds of the East
Who protected this Circle and witnessed all feats
Of magick performed and blessings poured out,
We thank you for coming and and gathering about.
Now comes the time for the Circle to end,
With love and fond wishes it’s now that we send
You back to the realm over which you do reign
Farewell and goodbye ’til we see you again.

Draw a banishing pentagram in the air with the wand. Kiss your wand and proceed to the southern quarter and say:

O Southerly fires, O Southerly flames.
Who protected this Circle and witnessed all claims
Of magick performed and blessings poured out,
We thank you for coming and and gathering about.
Now comes the time for the Circle to end,
With love and fond wishes it’s now that we send
You back to the realm over which you do reign
Farewell and goodbye ’til we see you again.

Again, draw a banishing pentagram in the air with the wand. Kiss your wand and proceed to the western quarter and release the guardians in the same way but this time saying:

O Oceans and storms, streams of the West.
Who protected this Circle and witnessed all guests
And magick performed and blessings poured out,
We thank you for coming and and gathering about.
Now comes the time for the Circle to end,
With love and fond wishes it’s now that we send
You back to the realm over which you do reign
Farewell and goodbye ’til we see you again.

Once again draw a banishing pentagram in the air with the wand. Kiss your wand and proceed to the northern quarter and again release the guardians saying:

O Northern forests, mountains and plains.
Who protected this Circle and witnessed all gains
Of magick performed and blessings poured out,
We thank you for coming and and gathering about.
Now comes the time for the Circle to end,
With love and fond wishes it’s now that we send
You back to the realm over which you do reign
Farewell and goodbye ’til we see you again.

You have now released all quarters.

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