Cakes & Wine Blessing

After ritual magick has been performed it is common practice to bless and consecrate cakes and wine, although cookies and juice (or similar) may be used if you prefer. To perform this ceremony the plate of cakes should be held out in front of you saying:

I conjure you, O meal of grain
Who sprouted in both sun and rain.
Whose ancient seed fulfills us all
Bringing new life wheree’r it falls.
I bless you in this Circle round
That your abundance may abound
To feed this world continuously
As I will, so mote it be.

Eat one of the cakes. Or, if you are not alone in the circle, take a bite and pass the plate on to the next person saying “Blessed be.” After each person has repeated the process, place the plate of cakes on the altar and fill your cup with wine. Holding the cup out in front of you, say:

I conjure you, O fruit of vine
Who grew with wind and rain, and time.
From nought but light of sun
Then light of moon when day was done.
I bless you in this Circle round
That your abundance may abound
To feed this world continuously
As I will, so mote it be.

Drink the wine unless you are not alone, in which case take a sip and pass it on in the same way as the cakes. When the wine returns to you, place it on the altar. Two cakes and some wine should now be put aside for outdoor libation. Any cake or wine remaining can now be shared with everyone else in the circle.

One Response

  1. Hanna February 2, 2023

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